

Recognition (OCR)

Maximizing information service by digitizing your important data with our fast, powerful and efficient outsourcing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) services.


Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that converts scanned or photographed images of printed or manually written text into machine-encrypted text.
OCR algorithms analyze the image of the text, identify single characters or words, and then identify and transform them into digital text that can be edited, searched, and

OCR technology is generally utilized in applications like document scanning and
digitization, data entry, and text identification for machine vision frameworks. OCR technology has progressed significantly and has improved enormously over the years, enabling high accuracy in identifying text in various languages, fonts, and styles.

However, the accuracy of OCR can still be affected by elements like picture quality, resolution, and the complexity of the text. Also, OCR might need help identifying handwritten or cursive text, as the variations in handwriting can be challenging to identify accurately.

IVEOND offers Optical Character Recognition (OCR) services that transform information
in a scanned file into an editable format, thereby creating data consumable for decision-
making. OCR Technology enables several types of graphic and textual information can be read, evaluated and organized into an electronic pattern. We also provide OCR scanning Services and data conversion services utilizing modern technology that improves accuracy and store time.


There are some popular OCR services which are as follows:

Google Cloud Vision OCR

Google Cloud Vision OCR

A cloud-based OCR service that can recognize and extract text from scanned documents, images, and PDFs. It also provides more image processing capabilities, like identifying labels and milestones within an image.

Clean-up Services OCR

Clean-up Services

OCR clean-up services help to improve the accuracy of OCR output by manually reviewing and correcting the results. This service is especially beneficial for tables in documents where the OCR engine may need to identify the table architecture correctly.

Document Scanning Services

Document Scanning Services

Document scanning services are an important part of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. OCR software requires a digital image of a document to be processed and converted the image into machine-encoded text.

Conversion Services

Conversion Services

Conversion services are used to convert scanned images or PDF files into editable and searchable digital text. OCR conversion services use automated software to extract text from scanned images or PDFs and convert it into an editable and searchable digital format.

Document Digitizing Services

Document digitizing services involve converting paper- based documents into a digital format using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology. OCR software extracts text from scanned images or PDF files and converts it into an editable, searchable digital format.

Insurance Claims

Insurance Claims

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is an advanced technology that can be used to automate the process of insurance claims processing. Insurance companies often receive large volumes of claims from customers, which need to be manually processed and entered into their systems.

HOW does Optical Character Recognition (OCR) works in Iveond

OCR software works by using advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to recognize and convert printed characters, symbols, and images into digital text. The process of OCR generally includes the following steps:

Image pre-processing: IVEOND first preprocesses the image to improve the quality of the text identification. This can include noise reduction, skew correction, and contrast upgrade.

Character segmentation: The image is then analyzed to recognize single characters or words. The algorithm finds and isolates the characters and words from the image.

Character recognition: Once the characters have been fragmented, IVEOND uses OCR technology to recognize each character and transform it into digital text.

Post-processing: The recognized text is then post-processed to improve the accuracy of the OCR results. This can include steps like error correction and language modeling.

Output: Finally, the recognized text is output in a machine-encoded format, like a searchable text document or a database.

IVEOND uses deep learning techniques to train its OCR algorithms, which enables it to achieve high accuracy in recognizing text in multiple languages, fonts, and styles. Also, IVEOND has advanced features like handwriting recognition and layout analysis, which allows it to recognize handwritten text and text in complex design.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology has become essential for businesses and companies looking to automate and streamline their document management processes. OCR services can help to convert paper-based documents into a digital format, making it easier to search, retrieve, and analyze information.

OCR technology can be used for various applications, including document scanning, data extraction, verification, clean-up, and digitization. OCR can also be used in industries such as insurance for claims processing and the healthcare industry for medical record digitization.

Overall, OCR technology is a powerful tool that can help businesses and organizations to manage their documents more efficiently and effectively, enabling better compliance with regulatory requirements, enhanced customer satisfaction, and increased productivity.